Terms of use
Terms of use of the ZAP Montérégie network
The wireless and free access to Internet is made possible by ZAP Montérégie (an non-profit-making organism) and by the firms and institutions in each of the hotspots. It is supported by volunteers and given gracefully without quality guarantee. To assure the project’s long-term viability, the following conditions must be respected by the users:
USER’S RESPONSABILITIES It is forbidden to use this service to do illegal activities. The user takes the whole responsibility of such use and has to compensate ZAP Montérégie and the provider of the wireless Internet for any expense that such use could make. The wireless connection is not coded. It is therefore up to the users to use securised protocols if they like to protect their passwords and other confidential information. It is imperative to respect other users and employee of the place where the Internet is used. A valid electronic mail is necessary to create an account. This one can be anonymous, but must be active. This address will be used only for the dispatch of messages directly linked up to ZAP Montérégie activities. The name of all users of a ZAP Montérégie’s hotspot can be shown to the other users of the same site. Service is given for a travelling and temporary usage for the good of the community. The use of the service in a recurrent or intensive manner from a home or from a workplace constitutes an excessive use, unless acquiring the agreement of ZAP Montérégie or the purveyor of the hotspot. It is forbidden to share, by whatever means, the Internet given in the hotspots of ZAP Montérégie.
In general, the upload/dowload capacity will be restricted to:
– 2 GB per user per access point per week, and / or
– 8 GB per user per month for the entire ZAP Monteregie network.
RESPONSABILITIES OF ZAP MONTÉRÉGIE To protect the private life of the users, no information will be disclosed, published, transmitted or sold to a third without the clear agreement of each of the users, except if a mandate or a court of justice forces us to do so. Only the following information will be archived without your clear agreement : a valid electronic mail, the MAC address of the device used for connection, the length, the name of the used hotspot and the quantity of transmitted data for every connection. No archiving of contents or of the destination of your traffic will be accomplished. Exceptionnaly, the data will be analysed to locate a technical problem.
RIGHTS OF ZAP MONTÉRÉGIE To assure a service of the best possible quality to assure the viability in long term, ZAP Montérégie conserves the right to :
- Institute a download limit (speed or quantity)
- Deactivate an account that has not respected the responsabilities mentioned earlier or the use of multiple account or all other way.
- Block outgoing SMTP connections
N.B. : Inspired by ZAP Québec